Sunday, February 26, 2012

First Seeds of the Season

I began the 2012 garden season back on January 22, 2012 by planting two heirloom varieties of onions;
144 seeds of "Brunswick" and 144 seeds of "Ailsa Craig" which I bought from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.

This is how the onions looked back on February 12, 2012. I turn the two T8 energy efficient shop lights on every morning just before 7AM and turn them off around 9 PM. How energy efficient? My electric bill just arrived and it only went up by about $2.00.

This is a closeup of "cat grass" that I planted for my cats. It's actually barley seed that germinates in only a few days. The cat grass pictured here is only about a week and a half old. I let it grow for two weeks before I let the cats attack it!

I always welcome the Amaryllis bloom in mid-February. This year I was treated to a quadruple bloom on one stem. Funny, I think the plant is about 4 years old; maybe 5 blooms for 2013?

Stay tuned...