December was mild at first and pretty much snow-free up until the last week. About an inch of snow fell on Christmas Eve and this is what the garlic garden looked like on Christmas Day.
It appears as if the garlic is all snuggled in beds of straw, covered in a blanket of snow and resting blissfully for a long winters nap. Additional snow will only further help as extra insulation from temperature fluctuations in the soil.
The bountiful herb garden is in dormancy right now. And although I made late season strides to harvest the mints and oregano, I'm already running out! I should have started harvesting the oregano in July once every two weeks because it's the first herb that I tend to run out of in December due to my spaghetti sauce addiction. Damn.
Speaking of dormant, the greenhouse solemnly sits quietly under its own blanket of snow. No sunshine will grace the front windows until late January due to the surrounding mountains. It too sleeps.
The mesa gardens are covered with almost a foot of snow as of December 29th. Good news about the snow is that I can start feeding the birds without worrying about Mrs. Bear and Mr. Raccoon raiding and destroying the feeders. So while the garlic, greenhouse and mesas are asleep, the birds are awake and giving life to an otherwise lifeless landscape.