Fog rolled over the east garden on Saturday morning (4/12/08) as the lingering snow pack was losing its grip to 60 and eventually 70 degree temperatures.

In fact, the first break into the 60 degree territory was recorded on 4/08/08 @ 3:10 PM. The 70s were broken on 4/12/08 @ 2:40 PM – with the highest reading of 74.4 occurring @ 3:20 PM. Interesting how 3:10 & 3:20 PM are the reoccurring times for springtime high temperatures around here…

Rhubarb is up! Always nice to see signs of life in the garden this early in the season. I was amazed to see that the onions over-wintered just fine with no mulch (I ran out of straw). This means they will flower and produce seed since it’s their second year.
Daffodils are up as well, another sure sign of warmer days ahead.
One significant note for the extreme winter is the Mole damage to the lawn - and it's not just here. Many other folks in the hilltowns noticed massive mole damage to their lawns. Funny for me because I'm into year three of "less lawn & more tilling for gardens," so the moles actually help me in my endeavors! See all of the mole trails up by my grapes in the orchard?

Update on the indoor seedlings – they are doing very well. The plant stand at the top of the stairs is now fully lit with fluorescent lights; 2 sets of 2 foot long tubes and the central set is of 2, 3 foot tubes. They are turned on each morning at 7 AM and shut off each night around 10 PM.

This is a huge advance for my seedling project. No more spindly, skinny, stretching toward the sunlight, WEAK plants. The photo below was taken of last years seedlings this very same week in 2007. Note that I only had 2 flats, all tomatoes, and see how tiny they were? Wow, what a difference a year can make.
I never would have learned about proper lighting techniques if it weren’t for this book; The New Seed Starters Handbook by Nancy Bubel:

Buy The New Seed Starters Handbook on Amazon like I did by clicking here
This book is slightly dated since it was released in 1988 – but don’t let that stop you from buying it! My eyes were opened after 40 years of gardening. Reading is simply the best way to further gardening knowledge and this book is now my number one recommendation.
Speaking of books, I will continue with my 2nd recommended reading; Saving Seeds by Marc Rogers:

Buy Saving Seeds on Amazon like I did by clicking here
Happy reading! I will keep updating the blog as much as I can. It’s going to get very busy, really soon…
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