Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Busy Month of April

April is such a busy month that I don't have much time to be at the computer. The photos below were actually taken as early as two weeks ago.
First notable fact: Don't be tempted to plant tomatoes too early. The earliest this year were started on March 30th & 31st. As I type this, these two flats of tomatoes need to be transplanted today as their roots are growing out of the bottoms of the trays like crazy!
Pushing up the seed starting date to the 2nd week of April seems to be a better idea.

Many days have passed since these photos were taken and a lot of the tomatoes have already doubled in size!
The lights are turned on at 7AM and turned off at 8 PM each day.

It may not look like it, but there are over 900 seeds being started here! Each flat holds 72 seeds and as of today, there are 13 full flats plus a few others.

I was able to get the big gardens tilled last weekend. I noticed a Robin was scouting the area for many hours, looking for worms and insects that were exposed during tilling - smart bird!

I'm glad that the hardest work is done for this season. All that's left is to add compost and re-till.
The first seeds of the season were planted outside on Saturday, April 18th. I planted German Giant radishes and Oregon Snow Peas. I will do a 2nd planting of each of these on May 2nd.

Much more to follow.

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