Sunday, September 30, 2012

September comes & goes...

The summer was dry. The new fall season seems to be normal as far as rain in concerned.

I began the month of September during the full blue moon of August by selecting the best peppermint, spearmint and oregano from my herb garden. I let these dry for 2 weeks and then bottled them in recycled spaghetti sauce jars for the long winter.

Here's how they looked on September 9, 2012 after drying for a week and a half.

On September 16, 2012 I heard noises in the woods through my open windows. Turns out, turkeys are noisey creatures as they make their way through the woods! I photographed these guys from my 2nd story window. They were pecking away at the grasses as they moved down my lawn.

As the Old Farmer's Almanac has told me in earlier years, Mare's Tails seen in September means that the first snow flakes will fall within 4 to 6 weeks time... This was taken on September 19, 2012.


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