Monday, January 28, 2013

Indoors Stuff

January finds me indoors as much as possible. I read all of the seed catalogs and begin my first orders in mid-January. So far, I've ordered from two websites: Totally Tomatoes & Richter's. I was pleasantly surprised at how fast both seed companies filled my orders. I received both orders in the last week of January, 2013.

This year, I've decided to buy tomato varieties that a highly disease resistant because I'm sick of watching my heirloom plants get clobbered by splotches, rots, and blights just when they peak in late July and August.

I'm also going to focus more on herbs this season. The mesa gardens seem to be the optimum location for working with herbs. Of course, this is all hypothetical - I'll see how it goes this time around.

The kitties sleep blissfully on the couch in front of the TV, basking in the wonderful warmth set forth from the wood stove that cheerfully burns the hardwoods throughout the bone-chilling January freezing nights.

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