October is here and that means time to plant the garlic!
I figure I go through a bulb of garlic about every two weeks or so throughout the year. Thant means a year's supply is roughly 30 bulbs.
I ordered 5 bulbs from seed savers and also bought 5 from my grocery store to plant. In all, I got 60 cloves planted in hopes of getting at least 30 (hopefully more) healthy bulbs by next July.

In the process, I came up with a handy use for all of my un-used plastic lids from my cottage cheese & yougurt container (which I used to ferment my tomatoes). I cut two, 2 inch slits on the top & bottom of each lid, write info on the inside with a permanent marker and slide them over a 4 foot bamboo tomato stake to use as winter markers.

This entry is short but to the point. I'm just glad that the Garlic is in the ground and the bed is covered with straw!