I can't believe how easy it was to create my own organic Peppermint Schnapps. I cruised Google for directions and within about 10 minutes found some extremely easy recipes. I've simply used them for some basic guidelines which I will provide in photos below.
The ingredients are simple: pick fresh leaves and add 80 proof vodka, simple huh? If you prefer a sweet tasting schnapps, you can add stevia leaves to each jar.
All you need to do is pick enough leaves to fill the jar (these are spaghetti sauce Ball jars) about 2/3 full and add vodka. Fill the jars to the top with vodka. Seal lid tightly and shake it a few times. Place each jar in a dark area, but make sure they are easy to get to because you must shake them at least once a day.

Let the jars sit for about two weeks (10 to 15 days), and shake daily. Then you're ready for the straining of the leaves.

Place a colander over a large sauce pan and pour out the contents. Only a few of the leaves will fall into the colander. I then get 2 paper towels and place these into the colander.

Shake the leaves into the paper towels and then get ready to squeeze the remaining liquid into the sauce pan.

It's not much, but I feel it's got more concentrated flavor, and why waste it?

I then use my handy-dandy jar funnel to pour the strained schnapps into clean jars. At this point, the Schnapps is very flavorful, but you really should age it for 6 months. The aging will mellow the Schnapps over time. Always store jars in a dark place such as a cubbard.
So there you have it; simple Schnapps - but don't stop at peppermint. I have also started orange mint and spearmint schnapps. I'm so glad to finally be using a lot of my mints from the garden. They would usually just get lightly picked each year with me drying about 10 sprigs of each in the rafters.
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