Here's an example of how the straw triumps over weeds with these six, caged Better Boy tomato plants. All of these plants are over 6 feet tall!
These tomatoes are hybrids which were planted specifically to make spaghetti sauce. I began harvesting them on September 19, 2010 - but I could have started a week earlier.When I began filling my wicker harvest basket with Better Boys, I had no idea how heavy the basket would be once filled. When I first tried lifting the basket, it was more like trying to carry a bag of cement!
That got my curiosity up, so I got out a scale and weighed the basket on the concrete floor of the garage... That got my curiosity up, so I got out a scale and weighed the basket on the concrete floor of the garage...
Ah ha! That's why it was so heavy - 40 pounds of tomatoes!

This 2nd harvest weighed 52 pounds! That makes 92 pounds total!
Roma Food Strainer & Sauce Maker
- Model No. 07-0801 Which I bought on
it does pumkins, berries, salsa, grapes and even apples!
I chose to flash-freeze most of the sauce right away. But I did make a large amount of fresh spaghetti sauce on the 2nd harvest. I found that it takes about 7 hours to render-down the sauce to a good thickness for spaghetti and pizza sauce.
Don't forget the hot peppers for the sauce! What can I say, I've fallen in love with these Beaver Dam peppers. Perfect heat (not too hot) with a deep pepper flavor. The plants start producing in August and I've gotten about 10 peppers per plant right through the 2nd week of October.
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