Sunday, February 28, 2010

February - Not Much To Say

For anyone who truly is a gardener / farmer at heart, February has got to be the toughest month of the year. All there is to do is read books, research, plan, buy seeds and dream about the upcoming season. As the first day of March approaches, the idea of one more month of snow is sickening, but at the same time, I’m glad that the last 4 months of snow is now over with.

The weather last week was dismal and the worst snow yet. Wednesday there was 14” then Thursday it warmed up to be all rain (heavy) then that same night it changed over to snow, then heavy snow on Friday with another 14” by Saturday morning. Enough already!

This post will only have one photo because I rarely do any work outside in February, therefore no photos worth showing here.

I’ve been busy updating files and will post the latest version of the EBG Map here.

I’ve also been creating a compatibility chart for garden vegetables, but it still needs tweeking.

Finally, I’ve created an Excel file of my 2010 seed purchases and assigned each to one of the 5 gardens.

Okay, that’s it for February.


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